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from music

zeichnungen von konzerten
drawings from performances

While listening to live performances, I draw. I enjoy observing the physical process of making music as much as I enjoy the music itself. The act of drawing musicians, their instruments, hands, facial and body expression, allows me (I cannot play any instrument myself) to actively experience the performance.

I mostly only use a brush and china ink for the drawings. The use of only one tool with always the same setup facilitates a semi-conscious way of working. I improvise, trying to control a flow of ink onto the absorbent washi paper.

As I live in Berlin, most of the drawings are made on concerts here. About a lot of the performances I visit I learn from the website echtzeitmusik.

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browse by venues

inclompete list of venues – will be expanded from time to time

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browse by performers

I try to tag the performers I draw. You can browse posts by the given name of the depicted performers in alphabetic order.

I not always manage to remember all names, and sometimes I make mistakes (I am happy to get notified about). I am still going through older and new drawings, so more performers will be added to this list.

All my drawings from music depend on the performers. Heartfelt thanks!